Friday, March 27, 2009

Bloggin Toggin

Finally, NogginToggin lives on the web... The idea of this blog is to report family events, share family news, ask Todd about the Shire, showcase the latest NT apparel and share pictures of James holding a gold ball in his belly button. Once we get this rolling, feel free to leave posts, and let the bloggin toggin begin...


  1. Consider me the master Jedi of this blog... I'll start the discussions and post the pictures. Just send me what you want to post and I can do it. But EVERYONE can leave comments on all the articles. Just click the "comment" link and let the silliness begin. Just remember to type your name in the "Comment as" drop-down menu so we all know who's leaving the messages.

  2. Greetings to all bloggers... I wanted to point out a few fun themes... James is big, Todd is short, and Blyle is gay.

  3. And Kevin is by far the most fashionable...

  4. Wait a minute, I am not short. I am tall for a Hobbit.
