Sunday, September 26, 2010

The NogginToggin-ers

While not the complete group who attended... A nice group shot.

More pictures of the event to come, including evidence of the great pyramid disaster, and the slaying of the pinata.

Toggin Tots

Nothing like a couple brand new Toggin Tots to brighten our faces, and cause some early departures from the activities...

Farting Gnome trophy

The competition for the coveted NogginToggin Farting Gnome Golf Trophy was a tight race... After the teams ended their golfing tied, the winner had to be determined by a game of Washers. Even this was close, but in the end, it was Katie who won the day. As her duty for being the keeper of the Gnome for a year, she needs to document where and what it will be doing over the course of the year...

The Bridgestone...

There are many conflicting stories about the Bridgestone... But one thing is for sure... Losing it made Jimms quite pissy...

Speed Bocce Champs

While there may have been others who performed better, when the final scores were tabulated, Stacy, Jenn and Troy came out on top! For winning, they are now the keepers of the Noggin Toggin Chalice... And the Bridgestone...

The land of the Hobbits...

I had no idea that we really were in the land of the Hobbits... Check out the name of Todd's new camper....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Golf & Camping Weekend Approaching...

Remember that the next official NogginToggin event is quickly approaching...

September 25th at Todd's Campsite.

Golfing is being planned for the morning and a Mexican fiesta in the afternoon/evening. Please plan to bring a Mexican dish or supplies to pass.

Expect games of accuracy in the field, so start practicing.

Sara and Kurt are finally engaged!!!!