Monday, April 6, 2009

What's in a name?

While I wasn't there to hear Jeff's immortal speaking of the words, "Noggin Toggin" for the first time, I have embraced it. But that brings me to my question...

What do you think Jeff was really trying to say? Was it just incoherent drunk babbling, or is there a secret meaning in there?


  1. Given that it was spoken while at Jimmy's cabin, and Jeff was half passed out, I'm going to guess Jeff was trying to say:

    "Nice Fuckin' Cabin"

  2. Toddo Bigbuttkins of the ShireApril 8, 2009 at 7:46 AM

    Let me tell you what I thinks he was trying to say. I believe the words trying to be spoken were "I'm not even talking". Instead of coherent english, we got "Noggin Toggin".

  3. I agree with Todd, it was something along those lines. He also asked me to try to pass a fresh beer to him through the actual window screen, as if the screen was some space-age material that allowed the atoms of the beer and cup to simply pass through it without any resistance

  4. *** Pig Roast Update *** The date is Saturday, July 25. My old man would like to golf that day too. He was looking at setting up teams... think about and let me know if that is something you are interested in!

  5. Mr. Pener,
    Of course I would be interested in golfing just don't team me up with someone good. They get mad at me for sucking and not the kind of sucking that Blyle does.
